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My Publications

All Just One Click Away

I've written many articles, chapters, and books on a wide range of topics, including couple and family therapy, couple distress and divorce prevention, work-relationship-life balance; teaching integrative therapy; family homelessness; sexual abuse and trauma; multicultural issues in therapy; and other topics.  Several of my publications are in journals and books in other countries (and their languages), such as Germany and France.  Please check out some of these publications, and email me with questions and comments!  I'd love to hear from you!

Sync Your Relationship, Save Your Marriage

Four steps to Getting Back on Track

Chapter 1, Chapter 9

Fraenkel, P. (in preparation: estimated publication date: December 2020). Last chance couple therapy: Bringing couples back from the brink.  London: Routledge.


Fraenkel, P. (in press).  Couple therapy.  In B. Strauß, M. Galliker, M. Linden, & J. Schweitzer-Rothers (Eds.), Theorien, Konzepte und Techniken der Psychotherapie. Stuttgart, Germany: Kohlhammer.


Fraenkel, P. (2020).  Collaborative family program development: Research methods that investigate and foster resilience and engagement in marginalized communities.  In M. Ochs, M. Borcsa, & J. Schweitzer (Eds.), Systemic research in individual, couple, and family therapy and counseling (pp. 75-96). European Family Therapy Association Series, Volume 4). Cham: Springer International.


Fraenkel, P., & Cho, W. (2020). Reaching up, down, in, and around: Couple and family coping during the coronavirus pandemic. Family Process, 59, 847-864. doi:10.1111/famp.12570


Fraenkel, P. (2019).  Love in action: An integrative approach to last chance couple therapyFamily Process, 58, 569-594.


Fraenkel, P. (2019).  Incest and relational trauma: The systemic narrative feminist model.  In P. Pitta & C. Datchi (Eds.), Integrative couple and family therapies: Treatment models for complex clinical issues (pp. 47-70). Washington. DC: American Psychological Association Press.


Fraenkel, P. (2018). Case commentary on Case Study: „Second Adolescence: An alternative to the mid-life crisis,“ by Tammy Nelson.  Psychotherapy Networker, 42, 5, 51-54.


Fraenkel, P. (2018). Marcia Sheinberg biography.  In J. L. Lebow et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. New York: Springer Interational Publishing,


Fraenkel, P. (2018). Time in family and couple therapy. J.L. Lebow et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. New York: Springer International Publishing,


Fraenkel, P. (2018). Gonzalo Bacigalupe biography.  In J. L. Lebow et al. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy. New York: Springer International Publishing,


Fraenkel, P. (2018). Therapie mit Paaren am Rande der Treunnung. (Therapy with partners on the edge of separation and divorce).  In U. Borst & K. von Sydow (Eds.),  Systemische Therapie in der Praxis (pp. 649-661).  Weinheim: Beltz & Gelburg Publishers.


Fraenkel, P. (2017).  Integration in couple and family therapy.  In J. Lebow, A. Chambers, & D Breunlin (Eds.), Encyclopedia of couple and family therapy.  New York: Springer International Publishing,  doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-15877-8_534-1


Fraenkel, P. (2017).  The eve of destruction: Therapie mit Paaren am Rande der Trennung (Therapy with partners on the edge of separation and divorce)Familiendynamik: Systemische praxis und forschung, 3, 172-181.


Fraenkel, P. (2017). Case Commentary on „Case Study: From Tough Love to Empathic Love: Teaching Parents to Earn Their Children’s Respect,“ by Janet Sasson Edgette.  Psychotherapy Networker, 41, 5, 61-65.


Ferreira, L. C., Fraenkel, P., Narciso, I., & Novo, R. (2015).  Is committed desire intentional? A qualitative exploration of sexual desire and differentiation of self in couples. Family Process, 54, 308-32.


Fraenkel, P. (2014). Zeit un Beziehung: Die Bedeutung von Vergangenheit, Gegenwart un Zukunft (Time in relationships:The meaning of past, present and future).  In Levold, T., and Wirsching, M. (Eds/Hrsg.).  Systemische Therapy und Beratun – das große Lehrbuch (pp. 118-121). Heidelberg Germany: Carl-Auer Verlag GmbH.


Fraenkel, P., & Capstick, C. (2012).  Contemporary two-parent families: Navigating work and family challenges.  In F. Walsh (Ed.), Normal family processes (4th ed., pp. 78-101).  New York: Guilford.


Fraenkel, P., & Wilson, S. (2012).  Zeit zu zweit: Problemerkennug und Intervention in Paaren.  In U. Borst and B. Hildenbrand (Eds.), Zeit essen Seele auf: Der Factor Zeit in Therapie und Beratung (pp.111-136).  Heidelberg, Germany:  Carl-Auer Verlag GmbH.


Fraenkel, P. (2011).  Sync your relationship, save your marriage: Four steps to getting back on track.  New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.


Fraenkel, P. (2011).  From isolation to connection: How to create a community of practicePsychotherapy Networker, 35, 48-51.


Fraenkel, P. (2011).  Die Therapeutische Palette: Ein Leitfaden für die Weichenstellungen in der integrativen Paartherapie.  Familiendynamik, 36, 52-69.


Fraenkel, P., & Caflisch, J. (2011).  Managing work and family responsibilities in the age of increased technology.  In M. J. Craft-Rosenberg (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Family Health (pp. 717-722).  Los Angeles, CA: Sage.


Johnson, D., Cabral, A., Mueller, B., Trub, L., Kruk, J., Upshur, E., Diaz Alarcon, L., Marrero, L., Auf der Heyde, T., Thoma, N., Rodriguez, E., Cione, G., & Fraenkel, P. (2010). Training in intersectionality sensitivity: A community-based collaborative approachAmerican Family Therapy Academy Monographs, 5, 4-15.


Fraenkel, P., Hameline, T., & Shannon, M. (2009).  Narrative and collaborative practices in work with families that are homeless. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 35, 325-342.


Fraenkel, P. (2009).  The therapeutic palette: A guide to choice points in integrative couple therapyClinical Social Work Journal, 37, 234-247.


Fraenkel, P. (2009). Review of Attachment, play, and authenticity: A Winnicott primer by Steven Tuber.  The Family Psychologist, 25, 34-35.


Fraenkel, P., Shannon, M., & Díaz Alarcón, L. (2009).  The families are the experts: Collaborative methods of family program development in work with homeless families and poor immigrant families.  In M. Andolfi & L. Calderón del la Barca (Eds.), Working with marginalized families and communities: Professionals in the trenches (pp. 105-107).  Rome: Accademia di Psicoterapia della Famiglia.


Fraenkel, P., & Carmichael, C. (2008).  Working with families that are homeless.  In M. McGoldrick and K. Hardy (Eds.), Revisioning family therapy (2nd ed.) (pp. 389-400).  New York: Guilford Press. 


Fraenkel, P. (2007). Groupes multifamiliaux pour familles sans domicile fixe (Multiple family discussion groups for families that are homeless).  In S. Cook-Darzens (Ed.),Thérapies multifamiliales, des groupes comme agents thérapeutiques. (Multiple family therapy: Groups as therapeutic agents) (pp. 333-361).  Paris, France: Éditions érès.


Fraenkel, P. (2006).  Engaging families as experts:  Collaborative family program developmentFamily Process, 45, 237-257.


Fraenkel, P. (2006).  Fresh Start for Families: A collaboratively-built community-based program for families that are homelessAFTA Monographs, 1, 14-19.


Fraenkel, P. (2005).  Whatever happened to family therapy?  Psychotherapy Networker, 29, 30-39, 70.


Capstick, C., & Fraenkel, P. (2005).  Chapter 18: Abuse and Neglect.  In R. Coombs (Ed.), Family therapy review: Preparing for comprehensive and licensing exams (pp. 393-411).  Mahwah, NJ:  Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.


Fraenkel, P. (2004).  Der beziehungsorientierte Ansatz zur Behandlung von Inzest (The relational approach to treatment of incest).  Psychotherapie im Dialog, 2, 163-170.


Fraenkel, P. (2004). Some reflections on the meeting theme of “Building Bridges: The Challenges of Connecting.”  American Family Therapy Academy Newsletter, Fall/Winter, 5-6.


Fraenkel, P. (2003).  Contemporary two-parent families: Navigating work and family challenges.  In F. Walsh (Ed.), Normal family processes (3rd ed.) (pp. 61-95).  New York: Guilford.


Gurman, A., & Fraenkel, P. (2002). The history of couple therapy: A millennial reviewFamily Process, 41, 199-260.


Fraenkel, P., & Markman, H. J. (2002).  Prevention of marital disorders.  In D. S. Glenwick & L. A. Jason (Eds.), Innovative strategies for promoting health and mental health across the life span (pp. 245-271).  New York: Springer.


Fraenkel, P. (2002).  The helpers and the helped:  Viewing the mental health profession through the lens of September 11Family Process, 41, 20-23.


Sheinberg, M., & Fraenkel, P. (2001). The relational trauma of incest: A family-based approach to treatment.  New York: Guilford Press.


Fraenkel, P., & Pinsof, W. M. (2001).  Teaching family therapy-centered integration: Assimilation and beyondJournal of Psychotherapy Integration, 11, 59-85.


Fraenkel, P. (2001).  Getting a kick out of you: The jazz Taoist key to love.  In Levine, J., & Markman, H.  (Eds.), Why do fools fall in love? (pp. 61-66).  San Franscisco: Jossey-Bass.  


Fraenkel, P. (2001).  The beeper in the bedroom: Technology has become a therapeutic issueThe Psychotherapy Networker, 25, 22-29, 64-65.


Fraenkel, P. (2001).  The place of time in couple and family therapy.  In K. J. Daly (Ed.), Minding the time in family experience: Emerging perspectives and issues (pp. 283-310).  London: JAI.


Fraenkel, P. (2001).  The new normal:  Living with a transformed realityThe Psychotherapy Networker, 25, 20-34.


Fraenkel, P., & Wilson, S. (2000).  Clocks, calendars, and couples: Time and the rhythms of relationships. Papp, P. (Ed.), Couples on the fault line: New directions for therapists (pp. 63-103).  New York: Guilford Press.


Fraenkel, P. (2000, Winter).  Attachment, violence, and culture: Virginia Goldner and Vivian Carlson speak.  American Family Therapy Newsletter, 21-23.


Fraenkel, P. (2000, Fall).  Kids beyond the brink of disaster. American Family Therapy Newsletter, 13-14.


Fraenkel, P. (1999, November/December).  All about fathers.  NYU Child Study Center Newsletter, 4, 1-4.


Fraenkel, P. (1999, Winter).  And liberty and relationship strengthening programs for all (who want them).  American Family Therapy Newsletter, 39-42.


Sheinberg, M., & Fraenkel, P. (1999, May/June).  Loyalty violated: Ambivalence haunts the victims of sexual abuse.  The Family Therapy Networker, 23, 63-74.


Fraenkel, P., & Shannon, M. (1999).  Multiple Family Discussion Group Manual: Family Support from Welfare to Work Program (Fresh Start for Families).  Unpublished manual, Ackerman Institute for the Family.


Fraenkel, P. (1999, Spring).  Family therapy training in Hong Kong: Thoughts from a visiting colleague. Family Therapy Forum, pp. 5-11.


Halford, W. K., Markman, H. J., & Fraenkel, P. (1998).  Relationship problems.  In P. Salkovskis (Ed.), Adult disorders: Clinical formulation and treatment.  Volume 6 in series, M. Hersen & A. Bellack (Eds)., Comprehensive clinical psychology.  New York: Elsevier.


Fraenkel, P. Schoen, S., Perko, K., Mendelson, T., Kushner, S., & Islam, S. (1998). The family speaks: Family members' descriptions of therapy for sexual abuse. Journal of Systemic Therapies, 17, 39-60.


Fraenkel, P. (1998).  Forward to Hubbert, D., & Hubbert, W., The His and Hers Guide to Surviving Your First Year of Marriage.  New York: Dell.


Fraenkel, P. (1998). Time and couples, part I: The decompression chamber.  In T. Nelson & T. Trepper (Eds.), 101 interventions in family therapy, volume II, (pp. 140-144).  West Hazleton, PA: Haworth Press.


Fraenkel, P. (1998).  Time and couples, part II: The sixty second pleasure point.  In T. Nelson & T. Trepper (Eds.), 101 interventions in family therapy, volume II, (pp. 145-149). West Hazleton, PA: Haworth Press.


Fraenkel, P., Markman, H., & Stanley, S. (1997).  The prevention approach to relationship problems.  Sexual and Marital Therapy, 12, 249-258.


Fraenkel, P. (1997). Systems approaches to couple therapy.  In W.K. Halford and H. Markman (Eds.), Clinical handbook of marriage and couples interventions (pp. 379-413).  London:  John Wiley.


Fraenkel, P., Sheinberg, M., & True, F. (1996).  Making families safe for children: Handbook for a family-centered approach to intrafamilial child sexual abuse.  New York: Ackerman Institute for the Family.


Fraenkel, P. (November/December 1996). The rhythms of couplehood: Using time as a resource for changeThe Family Therapy Networker, 20, 65-77.


Fraenkel, P. (1996). Zeit und Rhythmus in Paarbeziehungen.  Familiendynamik, 21, 160-182.


Fraenkel, P. (1995). The nomothetic-idiographic debate in family therapy. Family Process, 34, 113-121.


Sheinberg, M., True, F., & Fraenkel, P. (1994). Treating the sexually abused child: A recursive multimodal program.  Family Process, 33, 263-276.


Fraenkel, P., & Markman, H.J. (1994).  The family therapies.  In S.J. Lynn & J. Garske (Eds.), Contemporary psychotherapies: Models and methods (3rd ed.).  Brooks Cole.


Fraenkel, P. (1994). Time and rhythm in couples. Family Process, 33, 37-51.


Fraenkel, P. (1990). Review of Perspectives on Marital Interaction. The Family Psychologist, 6, p. 42.


Fraenkel, P. (1988). Mattering and memory: The effects of personal importance on autobiographical memory and memory for frequency of occurrence. Dissertation Abstracts International, 5009B, 4264.


Costanzo, P. R., & Fraenkel, P. (1987). Social influence, socialization, and the development of social cognition: The heart of the matter. In N. Eisenberg (Ed.), Contemporary topics in developmental psychology. New York: Wiley.


Costanzo, P. R., & Fraenkel, P. (1985). The role of parent concern and constraint in the development of value mediated moral judgment and social perception: A domain specific perspective. Proceedings of the Society of Research in Child Development, Toronto, Canada.

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